Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Updates on Chuck

I talked to Loni last night and she said Chuck had not been feeling well the past few days. They found bleeding in his stomach caused by his feeding tube. They were able to repair it so, hopefully, that helps him to feel better and heal faster. Chuck's lungs are still having a hard time with the ventilator and are trying to reject it. Loni did say that he asks for her to move his ankle and foot around and that it feels good. We're thinking that's a good sign that he can feel it!!! They are still waiting on the swelling on his spine to go down to see if that helps him regain some more feeling.

He will be getting a new tracheotomy that will allow him to talk and eat so when he is a little more stable they will be moving him to a rehab center. The facilities that specialize in this type of rehab are out of state though. Chicago and Atlanta are some options, Loni said since they are transferring him via ambulance that they will probably go with Chicago so he doesn't have to make such a long trip. Doctors have said the damage in his spine and brain stem is pretty substantial, so please keep him in your prayers. God is greater than any diagnoses!

1 comment:

  1. Chicago isn't too far away.
    Prayers are still being said.
