Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Updates for March 21

Since writing the last post Chuck has been transported to a different hospital. One that will hopefully be able to shed some more light on what is happening. Loni has been informed that they do not believe Chuck has Guillain-Barre syndrome. Instead, they think that he may have had what is the equivalent to a heart attack on his brain stem. Chuck is now off his breathing tube and has gotten a tracheotomy to help with his breathing. That should allow him to communicate better, and we all know Chuck likes to talk!

We are working on organizing a benefit for them. We plan to have a silent auction and could use donations for baskets or just individual items. If you have anything that you could donate please let us know. The benefit is scheduled for April 28th, so we are in a bit of a time crunch. You can contact me (Amanda) through this blog. I will have the benefit flyer posted on here as soon as it's finished and also will keep you updated on Chuck's progress.

I know that Loni and Chuck appreciate the support of their friends and family. Please keep the prayers coming!

1 comment:

  1. Amanda - please let Loni know that I am thinking about her and Chuck and all the kids and will be saying a prayer!!!

    Talia Hammer
