Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hello all!

Wanted to give an update... for those of you who don't know, Chuck is in a rehab center in Belleville, IL. We went to go visit him today and he seems to be doing great! They are working on weaning him off of his ventilator and have been doing some electrolysis for nerve stimulation. Please keep sending your positive thoughts and prayers his way!

Also, if you would like to go visit him let me know and I will send you the address.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Good morning. Just wanted to let everyone know that Chuck was released from the hospital, but due to insurance and other issues they are trying to work out he had to go a nursing home. He is sad that he wasn't able to go home and that he won't be able to make it to the benefit on Saturday. We would love to have a great turn-out so we can take pictures for him and try to lift his spirits a little.

We went to visit him a couple of days ago and he said that he spends most of his time trying to get his body working again. He can move his head again, has some feeling in his arms, can move his shoulder, and wiggle his fingers from time to time. The nursing home that he is going to will try to ween him off of his ventilator and will be doing some physical therapy with him so hopefully that will help him to improve continue to improve. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Update on Chuck

Chuck has been back in the hospital for 2 weeks or so, but should be able to come home soon. He is recovering from pneumonia and is currently quarantined because he tested positive for a bacteria that he can pass to others and because he has a weak immune system. He should be home in time for the event on Saturday so please come and see him and the rest of the Davis Family! :-)

Added a few things to the event flyer

Hey all! I've updated the flyer with some of the other fun activities that we will have on Saturday. Hope to see you there!