Thursday, August 23, 2012

Updates for this week

This week has been a rough one for the Davis 7. On Tuesday Chasen broke his arm and yesterday Chuck was taken back to the hospital. They think that he either has a collapsed lung or pnuemonia or possibly both. Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

El Shaddai Event - September 8th!

Info from Michele Shelly Mayer Blei that I thought I should add... I need some help pulling a benefit together for Loni and Chuck Davis! I have a venue - El Shaddai in Moscow Mills, MO on September 8 - outdoor fun for the whole family! Lake for swimming and fishing, sand volleyball, food, entertainment, etc. Details to follow. Please help me, friends! I need items to auction/raffle, singers/instrumentalists/​dancers - there is a large stage and a covered pavilion; side dishes, soft name it, we need it to help this family!

If you can help just let me know and I'll get you in touch with Shelly, thanks everyone!

Getting a little better!

Sorry for the delay in posting new information. I talked to Loni this past weekend and she told me that Chuck is able to move his shoulder a bit! He has been home for almost 2 weeks now and seems to be getting stronger. He was even able to go to church! 

There will be another fundraising event for the family that is being organized by the wonderful Shelly Mayer. I will post info on that shortly.

*Update- Just talked to Loni and she said that Chuck has been able to move his fingers a few times in the past couple of days! What great news! Way to go Chuck! The prayers are working :)