Thursday, June 21, 2012

Here we go again!!!

There will be a fabulous benefit on September 8th at El Shadai Ranch (details to follow) to help the Davis 7. This will be a family-friendly event with food, soft drinks, swimming, volleyball, and much more!!!! Please save the date and join us for this event!

Friday, June 8, 2012


Hi all, sorry it's been a while since an update has been posted but not a lot of changes to report. They ran a test on Chuck a couple of weeks back to see if he was a candidate for a new type of surgery to implant a brain stem stimulator to control his breathing. Unfortunately, they determined that he is not a candidate. So, for now, he will have to stay on the ventilator.
Loni leaves on Wednesday to get trained on how to care for Chuck so he can come home at the end of June. Chuck will need 24 hour care and you have to be certified in order to legally take care of him. For any friend or family member that is a Nurse or CNA and would be able to help Loni every now and then let me know. I'm sure she will need help so she can run to the store or any of the other million things a mom needs to do.

Also, they are trying to figure out a way to convert their 3rd garage into a room that can accommodate Chuck's bed and wheelchair. They will also need to redo the downstairs bathroom and add an area to the main level for him to do his rehab. The hospital will send Chuck home, but will not send his bed or wheelchair until there is space for it to go. So if you or anyone you know can donate your time to help Loni get the house ready for Chuck please let me know. He is supposed to be home in 2 weeks so we need to get started asap. Loni had a few people back out on her, that is why we didn't ask for help sooner...